Sumitomo Chemical Group (Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd. and its Group Companies) has put in place this Human Rights Policy (“Policy”) to demonstrate its commitment to international standards on human rights. All directors, executive officers and employees (“Personnel”) of the Sumitomo Chemical Group will uphold this Policy.
A. Our Position on Human Rights
Compliance with Standards, Laws and Regulations
We support and respect international standards on human rights, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and promote respect for human rights in line with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd. is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact and supports its Ten Principles, which include human rights and labor.
We comply with applicable laws and regulations in countries and regions where we operate, and where local laws and regulations conflict with international standards, we will seek ways to honor the principles of internationally recognized human rights.
Respect for Human Rights in Our Business Activities
We do not discriminate against individuals based on employment status, age, sex, ethnic or social origin, ancestry, nationality, disability, religion, beliefs, marital status, or any other status. We do not tolerate any form of harassment, including sexual harassment or workplace bullying. We also respect fundamental labor rights including freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, and prohibit forced labor or child labor.
We are committed to respecting human rights in our business activities and also strive to avoid contributing to infringement of human rights. In order to prevent and mitigate human rights risks related to our business activities, we will take necessary measures, including ensuring compliance with the Compliance Manual (the Sumitomo Chemical Code of Business Conduct) and other relevant policies and guidelines. We are also committed to understanding our impact on local communities and aim for harmonious coexistence with these communities.
We expect our business partners, including our suppliers, and other relevant stakeholders to act in line with the principles in this Policy, and we will seek ways to work with them to promote respect for human rights.
B. Our Approach to Human Rights Issues
Providing Education and Raising Awareness
We will provide appropriate education and training to our Personnel so that this Policy is understood and effectively implemented.
Human Rights Due Diligence
We will identify adverse human rights impacts, and seek to prevent or mitigate such impacts though our human rights due diligence framework.
Responding to Identified Human Rights Impacts
We will engage with relevant stakeholders in order to address actual or potential adverse human rights impacts.
Where we identify that we have caused or contributed to adverse human rights impacts, we will endeavor to remediate such impacts through appropriate processes.
Grievance Mechanisms
We have grievance mechanisms in place in the form of the Speak Up Reporting System (whistle-blowing channels) in order to address concerns about activities that may adversely impact human rights or any other concerns raised about our business activities. These channels are available for anyone having involvement in Sumitomo Chemical Group’s business activities, including their business partners as well as Sumitomo Chemical Group Personnel and their families. We will continuously seek to optimize our grievance mechanisms.
Disclosure We will report on our efforts to respect human rights including through our website, integrated report, Sustainability Data Book, and other relevant channels.