Our products include a full range of both chemically-derived and biologically-derived pesticides, herbicides and Plant Growth Regulators. We also have fertilizers, irrigation equipment, ant baits, plastic materials for planting, and a biological mosquito larvicide called Vectobac that is highly regarded and used by many government bodies across the globe to combat dengue fever. SCA is the regional representative office for our West and South Asia Operations.
Health & Crop Sciences Sector contact information:
(AgroSolutions, Environmental Health, Animal Nutrition)
Email: agrochem@sumitomo-chem.com.sg

- Admiral (Pyriproxyfen)
- Danitol (Fenpropathrin)
- Dantop / Dantotsu (Clothianidin)
- Dipel / Dipel Palm / Bactospeine / Biobit / Lepicide (Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki)
- Florbac / XenTari / Bioton (Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. aizawai)
- Padan (Cartap hydrochloride)
- Pleo / Symphony (Pyridalyl)
- Sumialpha (Esfenvalerate)
- Sumicidn (Fenvalerate)
- Sumithion (Fenitrothion)
- VectoBac / Teknar (Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis)
- Etoxazole TG
- Intego / Sumiboxam (Ethaboxam)
- Powmyl (Diethofencarb)
- Rizolex (Tolclofos-methyl)
- Starner (Oxolinic acid)
- Sumieight (Diniconazole)
- Sumilex (Procymidone)
- Validacin (Validamycin)
- Fenpyrazamine TG
- Mandestrobin TG
- Sumisoya / Sumimax / Sumyzin (Flumioxazin)
- Take Off / Quissa (Imazosulfuron)
- Zeta-One (Propyrisulfuron)
- Maxcel (6-BA)
- Palmega / Retain (Aviglycine Hydrochloride)
- Prestige 10EC (CPPU)
- ProGibb / RyzUp / Cytolin / Ralex / Regulex (Gibberellic Acid)
- Protone SG (S-ABA)